"Wenn die Worte nicht stimmen, dann ist das Gesagte nicht das Gemeinte."



Neueste 3 Einträge

  • Each Brain is Unique
  • Book Review: Brain Friendly Grammar by Rachel Paling
  • Summer – Time to Recharge


Book Review: Brain Friendly Grammar by Rachel Paling

How to fall in love with grammar

Reviewed by Vera Tillner

Following last month’s featured article about Neurolanguage Coaching, this month we highlight an exciting book about brain friendly grammar conversations.
There are many reasons why a teacher might feel negative about teaching grammar. Insecurity is one of them and is seen in both native and non-native speakers. Standing in front of a group and their learners expecting them to know terminology or the answer to a spontaneous question about grammar can be a pretty scary feeling. It is a moment when your brain goes blank and you lose your gut feeling for English. [Mehr lesen…]

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